Στο νέο online παιχνίδι καζίνο του Nine Casino, εμπνευσμένο από τον κόσμο της κατασκευής στένσιλ, οι παίκτες μπορούν να δημιουργήσουν τα δικά τους μοναδικά μοτίβα για να ξεκλειδώσουν ειδικά επίπεδα παιχνιδιού. Immediate Byte Pro Neoprofit AI
Stenciled bibs!
Stenciled bibs!

These creations were made by Noelle of Lucky Kitty. How amazing are they? This is such an affordable and fun way to throw a DIY baby shower. Each of your guests can make something for your bambino. Thank you Noelle for sharing these with us. And I like that hubby joined in, I’m all about guys getting into this too! Great job! Make sure to check out the Chimp Poodle combo or as I called it, a Choodle! Now I so want a baby!

A Stencil1 customer who purchased our Birch Tree Stencils emailed me this picture of their work. They did a great job with accurately portraying the perspective of the trees. I also like how they tilted the trees and used both sides of the stencil to make the trees all look different. Great Job!

before the spray...

Here are a few pictures of the Obamathon evening at the Verdi Club, last friday night. A super big thank you to Jen for the awesome pictures! To Darcie for a wonderful event! To Ed for hookin’ it up!! and to my momma, for all of her help! -elaine

the first shirt sprayed that evening..

I encourage customers to send me digital pictures of what they have made using our stencils and I am always surprised at the uses I never thought of. I love what this lovely gal did with the sparrow and hummingbird stencils!

Talk about customized clothing, she made her UGGS into one-of-a-kind footwear. Bravo!

This was an insane spotting, I saw this kid riding a scooter on the corner right by my apartment. he’s wearing an airbrushed cap with the Stencil1 chimp stencil on it and I guess his tag-to-be Suga Papa. The boy’s sister told me his older brother made it for him. He was so shy, thanks boy!