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Stencil 201

To be eligible to win a free copy of our brand new book Stencil 201 we are going to the twitter-verse and asking you to RT or re-tweet our latest message.

Here’s how to join the contest:  Go to Twitter, follow me @edstencil and Re-Tweet my tweet as you also see below!

#contest I’ve entered to win a copy of #Stencil201 available at Stencil1.com! Just follow @edstencl1 & RT !

BLACK FRIDAY! We’ve marked down many items for sale and to get you even more in
the mood, we are offering you a 20% discount on your orders, just use the coupon code “holiday” on the Shopping Cart page. So Go there now and shop!
Coupon code: holiday

Family Circle has thought of this genius use for Stencil 101 Decor repeat pattern stencils – Stencil a picnic table! Talk about Summer fun!


Stencil1 goes West! Yes, we are headed to San Francisco and Seattle to promote Stencil 101 Decor! So many great events are taking place before the holidays and we are happy to take part in them. Check out all these events and come say hi. I’ll be at all these events, signing books and doing some demos! Hope to see you there!  – Ed Roth

I took a trip to Muji the other day to buy some plain items that I could stencil. I found these simple pillow cases that I thought would be perfect to stencil a design onto from the new book. I am not sure why I am on such a turquoise kick, but I used it again to paint with! For this project, all you need is fabric paint, a stencil brush, a stencil and a pillowcase.  I stenciled a design on each side just to test both out and voila! Check it out.

